12 Ways to Fight Summer Weight Gain
Posted by Simple Girl on 10th Jun 2021
For many people, summer is the best time of year, but it can also be a time of weight gain. From those holiday get-togethers and backyard barbecues to those inevitable ice cream cravings, fattening foods are everywhere you turn.
So how can you make it through the summer and still fit into that bikini? Here are 12 timely tips for fighting summer weight gain.
1. Stock up on delicious summertime fruits. From luscious melons to red ripe strawberries, there are plenty of amazing foods available all summer long, so skip the drive through lane and head to the local farmer's market instead.
2. Hang your bathing suit in plain sight. If you want to look good in your bathing suit, give yourself some inspiration. Hang that summer suit where you can clearly see it, maybe even by the fridge.
3. Bring your own healthy foods to backyard barbecues. Summer is a time for grilling out, but hot dogs and hamburgers are not exactly healthy. Instead of succumbing to temptation, bring your own healthy food to share with your family and friends.
4. Join a local sports league. If you find exercising boring, spice things up with a bit of competition. Joining a local sports team is a great way to stay in shape and slimmed down all summer long.
5. Start walking. With the weather warm and wonderful, there will never be a better time to start walking. You do not need any fancy equipment or a gym membership to begin; all you need is a comfortable pair of shoes.
6. Get an accountability buddy. Fighting summer weight gain does not have to be a solo project, so find a buddy who can hold you accountable. Having a friend to work out with can be fun, but it will also keep you on track.
7. Stay active. There are plenty of wonderful things to do in the warm summer months, including ones that have nothing to do with food. Seek out those food-free activities and keep yourself active all summer long.
8. Limit screen time. Screen time can be a big problem for those trying to maintain a healthy weight, so put down your phone and meet people in person. Instead of chatting with your Facebook friends, call a real-live friend and go for a walk together.
9. Stock your freezer with low fat ice cream alternatives. When the weather turns balmy, you will want to cool down with a refreshing snack, but that snack does not have to be ice cream. Frozen yogurt and sherbet are just two of the low-fat alternatives to ice cream cones. Frozen grapes taste just like a popsicle!
10. Clear your cupboards. If you want to stay slim in the coming months, cleanse your cupboards of unhealthy snacks.
11. Set a goal for better health. If you need to lose a few pounds, set a goal and keep yourself on track. Losing even a pound a week will leave you nearly 20 pounds lighter by summer's end.
12. Give yourself a treat. Controlling summer weight gain is no easy feat, so give yourself a reward for a job well done. Buy that new outfit you have had your eye on, treat yourself to a spa day or just give yourself time to relax in a refreshing bubble bath.
Summer is a wonderful time of year, with long days, warm nights and lots of fun for everyone. Now that you know how to avoid summer weight gain, you can enjoy this special season without guilt.