3 Health Benefits of Using A Fitness Tracker Watch
Posted by Simple Girl on 21st Mar 2017
Have you ever wondered how far you walked today? Or how many calories you burned over the past 24 hours? Could you use a wrist mounted personal coach to motivate you to “get up and get moving”? A fitness tracker can do all of those things and more.
A fitness tracker is an intelligent watch that may be the key to a healthier, leaner, and happier you. Strap your fitness tracker to your wrist and it will detect and record your body's movements and convert them to data which will be sent to your smartphone, tablet, or computer where you can visualize the number of steps you’ve taken, your distance traveled, and your calories burned. Most trackers even include alarms to alert you to get up and move around when you’ve been sitting too long.
Fitness trackers can help you get healthy as you reach your fitness goals, while providing these three benefits as you use yours:
- Monitor your progress. True to their most basic function, fitness trackers literally “track” movement and progress toward your fitness goals. At the end of the day, download your data and you can see what progress you made, or didn’t make. How many steps did you take? How many calories did you burn during the course of the day? Powerful information that you can use to check your progress and determine if you are making gains in your training or falling behind. You see your hard work that you are doing every day and you know that it is making a difference.
- Motivational tool. Seeing your work and daily progress can greatly motivate you to do it all over again tomorrow. Additionally, when you see your data throughout the day, you’ll be able to assess how close you are to the day’s goal and be motivated to work even harder to reach them. We are most motivated to work harder when we see progress being made. For added incentive, you can also link your results to others online and compete individually or as a team to reach daily and weekly activity goals. It’s fun and motivating to exercise when you have others competing against you.
- Personalize your program. Fitness trackers allow you to set your initial goals and adjust and expand on those goals as you progress in your training. As the tracker’s data is linked to your smartphone or tablet you can personalize the storage and display by category, helping you analyze your progress. Use your data to identify the need to add or delete exercises if your current fitness program is not reaching your desired total activity levels or calories burned.
Your fitness tracker allows you to make changes to your routine if you see that you need to walk more, swim more laps, run faster, and get more exercise throughout your day. Your tracker data provides constant feedback and the more that you are aware of your activity level, the more likely you are to change and improve your workout. You can easily set activity targets and goals making it more fun to work to reach them, providing a sense of competition with yourself or against the app itself. A fitness tracker watch serves as a great guide to making positive changes.
Ready to get yourself a fitness tracker? Pop over to see a list of the top 11 waterproof fitness trackers you can consider. The activity trackers listed have different features that will suit individual needs and taste in style. More importantly, the fitness wearables will suit any individual at any level of fitness, from the unfit to the ultra-fit.