
5 Tips for Changing a Bad Habit

5 Tips for Changing a Bad Habit

Posted by Simple Girl on 3rd Feb 2021

We've all had a habit we wish we'd never started. Doughnuts for breakfast, a Diet Coke every day at lunch, a Marlboro or five while we drink, or something more serious, like taking pills or drinking … read more

Best Workout Songs

Posted by Simple Girl on 8th Jan 2021

Motivating yourself to work out is hard. But keeping an updated workout playlist is the secret to staying on track with your fitness goals. Having the right music can make any workout seem like a fu … read more
5 Tips for Finding the Perfect Workout Buddy

5 Tips for Finding the Perfect Workout Buddy

Posted by Simple Girl on 16th Dec 2020

Working out can be hard, and it is easy to quit when the going gets tough. That is why the gym parking lots are full in January and abandoned by March.If you want to improve your odds of success, h … read more
 9 Tips to De-stress Your Life

9 Tips to De-stress Your Life

Posted by Simple Girl on 8th Dec 2020

Do you feel constantly tired or on edge? Maybe you have a hard time concentrating or dealing with problems. Your troubles could be stress-related and these nine tips for removing stress from your l … read more